Upcoming events & workshops.

Winter Solstice ~Assisted~ Yoga Nidra
Destress between the holidays with this assisted, yoga nidra.
An instructor will guide you through a full body relaxation, accompanied by a second instructor to encourage your body to surrender offering ~always optional~ gentle , hands-on assists & holiday scented essential oils throughout your class.

Vision Board Playshop
Spring is here, which means so is nature’s new year. Are you ready for those seeds you planted back in January to sprout?
A vision board is a great tool for manifestation and anchoring in everything you are calling in. Before you begin crafting your board, you will be guided through a meditation and specific wellness techniques to prepare you for your upcoming shift.
Just as water and sunlight help the plants grow; vision boards and regulating your nervous system help you manifest and make your desires happen. We provide magazines, glue, and scissors. No experience necessary. Sign up below!

~Assisted~ Yoga Nidra
Destress between the holidays with this assisted, yoga nidra.
An instructor will guide you through a full body relaxation, accompanied by a second instructor to encourage your body to surrender offering ~always optional~ gentle , hands-on assists & holiday scented essential oils throughout your class.